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    Inspiration For Free. Things to Do When You’re Having a Bad Day.

    What to do When Everything You Do Goes Wrong?

    Let’s begin with the inspirational quote:

    The power of imagination makes us infinite. John Muir

    Bad day?

    Everything goes wrong?

    Does everything just suck?

    Need some help?

    Need tips?

    Or, maybe, you need a list?

    Solutions for this conundrum revolve around a handful of key principles.

    It shouldn’t cost a lot of money.

    The best solution for not feeling well, whether it’s an ailment or a bad mood or something else, is that it shouldn’t cost much money (unless it turns out to be a medical issue).

    Throwing money at lifting your mood or your physical sense of well being – at least at first – is a fool’s game that won’t help things over the long run.

    It should feel accessible, no matter how awful you feel. My strategies for feeling better don’t involve things that are difficult to do at a given moment.

    You shouldn’t have to reroute major aspects of your life to lift your mood or your immediate physical sense of well being.

    What to do When Everything You Do Goes Wrong Inspiration
    What to do When Everything You Do Goes Wrong? Screw It!!!

    What to do When Everything You Do Goes Wrong?

    Most tactics should be able to be accomplished anywhere.

    You are basically able to do all of these things while at home.

    You are able to do most of these things when You are working in an office environment, too.

    You can do most of these things when You are traveling or on vacation or even while waiting for an appointment.

    We can all find reasons why we lose track of our goals and then may find ourselves giving up in the early stages.

    Let’s look at 3 things you can do when you feel off track:
    1. Having a bad day is just that a bad day – don’t punish yourself:

    I know, for me personally, I had some stress last week – actually, the day after I set my weekly goals.

    My immediate response was to stop working towards my goal but the next day I realised that one bad day doesn’t mean that I have to give up altogether.

    We are allowed to have bad days, stresses, and what we can do is not look at our goal and thinking we have to ‘Begin Again’….we just keep going and allow ourselves to have the bad days with ease.

    2. Make a Choice: As we have seen above, we can go off track…even if it is for a day or a month but we all have one powerful tool and that is Choice.

    You can choose again – choose a different thought, a different method of doing things. Ultimately, you are choosing to love yourself and be happy.

    If you find it hard to love yourself, you can make the choice to learn how to do this through reading, talking or therapies and bodywork.

    You have the POWER TO CHOOSE 🙂

    3. Focus on the Achievements: When we go ‘off track’ and feel deflated, this is a great time to focus on the achievements we have made with our current goal(s), no matter how small.

    If we haven’t made achievements as of yet for that goal, you can sit down and write out a list of achievements for what you have achieved over the years….get an understanding from this of exactly how great you are, what you have achieved and overcome.

    This can inspire me to keep ongoing.

    Above all, no matter how difficult it may seem you truly can do this!

    Choice, Inspired Action, and Beliefs are what you need!

    This to-do list will solve all your problems! 

    Things-to-do-when-you're-having-a bad-day-Printable-Poster.
    This to-do list will solve all your problems!

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