Most of us want to succeed but often we have a lack of motivation and we constantly tell ourselves that where we are is not where we should be.
Using surreal art and surreal photography I will try to explain how I feel and so as You’re. At the bottom of the page, you find some amazing and surreal photos from my life.
Tools I’ve used — Adobe Photoshop
I have finally come to a point of life where a million thoughts a million ideas and a million possibilities about changing your life spins in the mind. But actions you should do dissolves in ”acid” and the majority of the number of positive thoughts becomes useless.
Or perhaps more accurately, as soon as you perceive the pulse of doing something, as soon as you start feeling the opportunity to move forward, you destroy them immediately with million reasons not to do so.
It is also true that it is never easy to accept that what we have spent months or years building up our success that would just disappear in the twinkling of an eye.
Surreal photography. Photomanipulation.
And now I know, if I don’t work for my dreams — someone will hire you to help build theirs.

Long time I have been haunted by thoughts that something is wrong in my life. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that something is really wrong. I can only to ask why? What? How? What is happening to me?
I give myself a constantly repeated feeling that hammering with a ”hammer” when I want to change something. No, it’s not hurt, and it’s not madness (maybe?).
But it is difficult to go to sleep, it’s hard to get up without any concern or distress in my mind. It’s a feeling as if the same acid begins to drip on my head and say: Man, what the hell are you doing?
However, I still continue to sit down do nothing and wait for somebody or something to come and do everything for me. I wait until someone lit a lighter, on which I’m sitting, I’m waiting, until somebody will spark motivation in me.

Small steps. Big journey.
You and them — talents, extraordinary personalities,( How to become a superstar read HERE) and I want to point you and them to the right direction, I want to help to discover the true purposes and dreams.
In this short article will try to show what is going on, I will try to help to take that small step, but significant and alive.

Use your imagination to create surreal worlds.
Imagine that you are standing on a white sheet of paper. Part one is shown as the past, another one as a future.
Right now you are standing in the present, and you are looking to your future, your dreams, goals, or whatever it is. When you’re thinking about it and when you are imagining it, everything is real and very genuine.
However, over the years, the image becomes increasingly darker, more difficult to see the details, increasingly difficult to stride towards those dreams. Why? Here’s the answer:
You start drawing. At first, you draw a ”Stop” sign to warn yourself, that something dangerous will happen soon. Next, you sketch the barbed fence, which confirms that the danger real.
Then after the fence, you create monsters and other ugly creatures that will devour you alive, right after you pass the fence. You are continuing to picture other evils and they can be anything, well, let’s say – a radioactive zone, there is no way out or to remain alive.
It’s funny, but also incredible, that all these obstacles still seem surmountable. Therefore, you still inventing something that is so unique and terrible that even to draw it would be difficult.
Let’s make it as an abyss. On top of this, we add the fact that throughout your life accrue a number of complexes, you are living in the wrong environment, belong to some kind of minority – and here we go, we have a masterpiece drawing of your life.
So look again to your future and dreams or what was left of there – it is not clear whether it is an only inscription, or dream, or the future, or in general – worth this future a visit.

See, that’s the way you are creating your own world. Most likely, if you had known that everything is so simple, perhaps you could draw yourself, descending from the mountain with a sled, or just waiting until someone will bring you your dreams beautifully packaged.
And the reality is this – your picture and create your life as you feel ”delicious”, pleasant and beautiful.
Of course, the drawing will be constantly adjusted to unforeseen circumstances, things that are not up to you, until you finally discover a way to circumvent the circumstances. And remember, after all, is a piece of paper, and you can always bypass, or start a new one.
Here are some examples of amazing surreal art
When you see original photos, you’ll be delighted — these photos have their own surreal story. I wanted the ambiguous reality of the real and distorted world to unfold in the photos. In these surreal photos, I captured people and transferred to a surrealistic environment.
I think each spectator can decide individually whether these “actors” in the photos are good or bad, light or dark. I probably will never know the real stories of these people, but in my mind, they became the heroes of my created fairy tales — surreal fairy tales.
Card of luck

The Right Button

Life Balance

Women and Man


Move On

An Endless Work

Heart and Brain


Unexpected Life

Tough Life

What do You See?


Never Give up

Comfort Zone

Fake People


Surreal Flower

Scary Forest