Change can come in many unexpected forms in our lives.
It might come like a tsunami, or like harmless snail. It might come in the form of tragedy, difficult choice, broken friendships, and relationships etc.
Also, everything can go in a positive way. That’s why sometimes we need some inspirational and encouraging words in front of us. Sometimes it just easier to have a positive reminder close to you — Inspirational Quote.
Just imagine… You are on a chess board. Your whole life is this squared wooden board. Not so big yes? But if you scale it up — you will use the same amount of energy.
Anyway, just a tiny step forward can change your life.
So don’t wait for anything, push yourself and push your limits.
Use these powerful inspirational quotes and pictures due to make your life as a wonderful journey.
Here 11 life-changing quotes in one picture. Above, 1 by 1. Simple and effective!

Most inspiring quotes of all time
#1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Laozi.

So far this is one of the best inspirational quotes from Ancient China.
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More inspirational and surreal quotes like this:
2. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! Audrey Hepburn

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3. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt

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4. What we think, we become. Buddha

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5. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. William Shakespeare

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6. From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. Aeschylus

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7. To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. Lao Tzu

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8. The power of imagination makes us infinite. John Muir

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9. Each day provides its own gifts. Marcus Aurelius

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10. One today is worth two tomorrows. Benjamin Franklin

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11. The best way out is always through. Robert Frost

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Dreaming we are free to imagine all sorts of things we really want. We are not limited by reality, money, commitments or fear. The only thing that limits it is the ambition to dream.
Meanwhile, goals are limited to reality. Frightened by that reality, people are starting to cut targets as long as they look easy to reach.
Dreaming we let ourselves imagine all things freely, without consequences. Suppose someone dreams about the life of a rich celebrity!
And there is no need to worry about the fact that magazines will write about them all, and the paparazzi on all sides of the beach will be scared by their hateful public, maybe even wanting to rob, and maybe their children will not have peace.
Dreaming it doesn’t matter – I was delighted with the good feeling that everyone respects and loves, the procedure is over. It is not really necessary for that celebrity to become.
The goal binds. If one sets a goal, then it must be pursued. And who to get more? I understand that many are now reaching their goals because the goals to be fashionable, but the constant failure to achieve them makes them uncomfortable, and when they do not reach themselves, they start to look like valiant losers.
So, we can’t start with the goal, because it seems that the goal is right now, and who has not reached it – the loser. Better no goal than what we are not going to achieve.
We can still explore, adjust, analyze and, if necessary, improve our dream before translating action. Take the script in your fantasy several times and discover all the hidden nuances that you usually don’t see…
Keep moving!