For those who experience severe emotional shocks, psychologists offer an effective trick.
They advise you to think of yourself as a third person at the time. This uncomplicated trick helps reduce stress and more successfully solves your problems.
A distinction with a loved one, passing death, serious illness, crisis, lack of money, and old age troubles — all these moments have to be experienced practically for every person. Bud sadly, they are extremely painful or even unbearable.
Severe stress can go up to depression, which manages to endure lifelong, become a cause of physical disability and even undermine the desire to live.
Canadians and US Scientists from Ontario and Michigan universities have explored people experiencing mental trauma.
They noticed that they had the best deal with the problems and optimal solutions were made by those who managed to break away from the problem and explore the country, that is, think of themselves as a third person.
At that time, other people, hesitating to their problems, took hasty and reckless decisions. In addition, research by these scientists has shown that a person does not necessarily become more intelligent with the year.
Look at Your problems as a third person. Motivational Quote.