We Know What We Are, But Know Not What We May Bee. William Shakespeare.

I know what I am. Inspirational Quote.

Don’t give up!

When we want to give up what we don’t like, we take responsibility.

It is already a step towards maturity.

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Sometimes it’s really hard to motivate yourself, but it is really possible.

Write down your goals, stick to the plan, and remember why you set yourself such a goal.

Change, though frightening and not very easy, is nonetheless the engine of human life.

Without goal life would be very boring.

But keep in mind that change has to come to YOU.

Don’t set a goal because someone else wants it.

If you do it just because someone else wants it, it will be very difficult to motivate yourself.

But if you want it yourself – you can drive down even the highest mountains!

Good luck!

We Know What We Are. Inspirational Quote.

Try to imagine yourself who has already achieved his dream.

Imagination often helps you stay on target.

Imagination helps to believe that everything will be fine.

Tell yourself that you deserve to graduate with honors because you worked so hard!

We know what we are, but know not what we may be. William Shakespeare

What we think, we become. Inspirational Quote. Buddha.
Never know… Photo by Felix Russell-Saw on Unsplash

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