Digital Detoxification.
Technology, like food, is a very important part of everyday life.
Sufferers from the psychological disorder of the Internet cannot forget their problem, but they cannot control it either.
According to psychologists, it can be useful to use digital detoxification for people who no longer manage their time on social networks
Constantly staring at the smart screen may seem like an innocent pursuit, but it often takes control of life and interferes with both work and personal life.
It’s great if you can control your time in the digital space, and when you’re on social networks, you can easily put your smartphone away and go for a walk or read a book.
Some studies claim that cell phone and Internet addiction is very similar to other addictions: drug addiction, eating disorders.
Then digital detox is unnecessary.
Put your phone down. Pick your life up. Live life. Inspirational Smartphone Quote.

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Digital detox checklist. How to get rid of addiction to social media and smartphone:

⇒Download Printable Version Here⇐
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Will 2050 Be the Same? Will Smartphone Remain Our Best Friend? Inspiratioal Quote.
According to a recent international survey, most people can no longer imagine life without mobile phones, never leave home without them, and would rather lose their wallet than their mobile device.
Mobile phones give us security and access to information instantly. We consider them to be the most important means of communication, sometimes even surpassing direct contact. They are inseparable from our lives.
Addictions usually occur when there are problems in life. So the constant need to check your phone can be the first alarm that tells you it’s time to change something.
You have far less chance of becoming addicted to something if you live an entire life and have good relationships with loved ones.
More and more areas of our lives are moving into virtual spaces, into chat rooms…
But anyway, We just wanted to show how we’re hooked on our smartphones and how hard to be “Unplugged” nowadays.
So, do smartphones really own our lives? Are we slaves who can’t do anything against this powerful and almighty — Smartphone? What do you think?
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