Make a commitment to yourself that today, you’ll give just a little bit more on whatever you set out to do.
This is something that I find myself repeating over and over.
Sometimes it is easy for us to look back and think, “I am not achieving quite what I’d like”…
This is exactly where having a paper trail in place to prove ourselves wrong is so very important.
You do keep a daily journal, don’t you?
If not, then I urge you to get started now!
Or maybe you’re relating to this inspirational image:

The old adage is very true, if we don’t know where we’ve been, how can we know where we’re going?

Move Past Life’s Challenges. Motivational Quotes About Successful Life.

Like it or not, we all have shortcomings in some areas of our lives. Some of them might be more debilitating than others.
Motivational quote about karma:

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Even so, there’s almost always a way to work around them and end up finding a gratifying level of success in the given area.

I believe the following example of a friend of mine does a fantastic job illustrating this. I’ve known my friend since grade school. We attended the same elementary school, as a matter of fact. He was like most kids our age, and he loved football and sports. As the years grew so made his love for the game.

Nothing really out of the ordinary there; however, my friend is confined to a wheelchair. Therefore he didn’t really have the opportunity to participate in organized sports in school.
The motivational quote you can find in almost all motivational books or books about success: Boss vs Leader:

Even so, here’s where it gets really interesting. Because he’s so passionate about professional & collegiate sports, he decided to attain a degree in journalism. This is exactly what he did; now, he’s in a position where he can work towards participating in the field that he’s most interested in if he so chooses.

While it’s true the sport itself alluded to him because of conditions beyond his control, he didn’t allow it to stop there. The point of sharing this is not to say if he can do it, then you and I can do it.
I think that would be oversimplifying it. You see, each of us has unique situations occurring in our lives. We have our comfort zones that, we allow to determine our level of achievement for the most part.

Thus it does no good to compare one person’s difficulties to another (except perhaps to gain inspiration from them). Rather the point is in realizing that no matter what our own situation may be, we are just as capable of reaching a satisfying level of success as is anyone.
No matter what we may find standing in our way.

Often it’s how we choose to work around our obstacles that make all the difference in what we achieve in our lives. In the end, things might not turn out exactly as we’d imagined, but more often than not, with enough persistence, things do work out, and in many cases, better than we might have originally hoped for…
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Motivational Quotes About Success.
I’ll be the first to admit that everyone has their own definition of success and what constitutes living a life with greatness.

Success comes in so many shapes and sizes that it can often go unnoticed if you do not recognize the many facets where your life exists. With that said, I would like to offer up my short definition of success.

Success is the mother or father who sacrifices to make a better life for their family. It is the person who spends countless hours studying and scrimping to pay the bills so they can have the honor of being the first person to graduate from college in their family.
Success and greatness are in the man or woman who, against all the critics, sets out and starts that small business that no one seemed to think would work.

Success is the person who takes care of their aging parents (just as their parents did for them in their early life).
Success is the person who lives their life as an example to others and actively shows those around them how to achieve more in their personal and professional lives.
Truly successful are those who do the things that make them happy. Success is the person who works two jobs so that he or she can make a better life for himself or herself.
Success is the teacher who works hard and has made a positive impact on the lives of so many at the end of the day.
In many cases, far more than they may ever realize.
Success is taking time out throughout your busy day to understand that you are in fact, an amazing person and acknowledge that your contributions make this world a better place. True success is the entrepreneur who takes their idea and translates it into real jobs for others.
You see, success is so many things and reaches so far into various areas of our lives.
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All too often, we run through our days not realizing that we are already successful in our own right. While it is true we may not fit into a cookie-cutter mold of what society labels successful people as having, make no mistake about it…
You are an achiever just the same. Starting today, take time to honor your many accomplishments — all the while taking comfort in knowing that many more such accomplishments still await you. Remember this, and greatness is part of who you are…
Each Day Begins With New Opportunities! Inspirational Quotes.
No matter what happened yesterday, no matter how bad it may have been, does it have to reach into this day – provided you are willing to fight tooth and nail against it doing so. Remind yourself of this until the point that you know it to be an absolute truth.

The reality is that events that happened in the past are just that, and try as we might, there is no way we will be able to magically take them back…
The good news is that it is from this very thinking that we can find the courage to move on to new and exciting opportunities in our lives.
New ideas and ventures are always lurking just around the corner, waiting for us to either jump on board or let them pass.
The choice is ours, and the future is ours. I hope that you will join me in deciding to enjoy every step of your journey. It’s not always going to be easy, but it is always worth it. You’re worth it! …
Motivational Life Quotes: Rewards.
Life Rewards those who aren’t afraid to set out after their dreams…
How many times have you heard that? I’m guessing more than once — heck, we all have. Now let me ask you, have you ever felt as though you were not quite living up to your full potential?

My guess again is that’s a yes, right?
If you find yourself in the group that answers yes, let me tell you here and now that you are not alone. Furthermore, no matter what society might tell us, we all have times when we feel like we aren’t quite performing at our personal best.
Now my friend, hold onto your hat because here is where the entire tone of this column will take a BIG turn… Let me tell you right off the bat that the feeling is simply a state of mind. The positive of that is that just as quickly as the feelings of inadequacy can set in, so can they shift to a more positive, upbeat feeling regarding the road we’re on.
One thing that can help set up and keep nearby personal reminders that our moods (no matter how less than stellar we may feel at the time) do shift for the better. Equally as important is taking the time to recount your past achievements, believe me, it will do wonders to adjust your outlook on things.
Finally, be proactive; by that I mean to think of ideas and begin implementing immediately the things that you believe will set you back on the right track — the track that makes us feel as though we’re in control of our lives. Simply put, don’t wait for things to change. Instead, put into play those things that will create the change you wish to see…
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