The topic of happiness and its quest is inexhaustible.
Everyone wants to enjoy life, do what they love, be with the people they love and do many other things that all come together in one phrase, “To be happy.”
However, this is not as easy for everyone as it is written in books.
Happiness is not something that can be achieved with one or another habit that a magazine article told us to cultivate.
Also, being in our comfort zone and doing something that is fun for us will not bring us happiness.
But it is not what makes us lastingly happy with ourselves and the results we have achieved.
One of The Best Motivational Quotes Ever About Your Dreams!
Being happy is like a state of thought, action, difficulty and ability to overcome them, humility, love for yourself and others, respect for life and everyone in it, inner strength, faith in everything, activity, creativity, positivity and many more…
If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs