Be in Control of Your Life
If you want to be in control of your time and your life, you must believe you are the
master of your fate and the captain of your soul.
To be the master of your fate, to sit in the driver’s seat, you must control time and not let time control you.
To control time, you must be motivated, you must have a goal, you must have a plan and you must take
Importance of a Word:
A word is a target toward which you can direct your efforts.
Without a word you are bound to move off in the wrong direction, thus wasting time and effort.
Your goal should be more specific and less general than simply getting a college education.
You need to formulate a clear notion of not only what you want in college and in life, but
also why you want it.
It’s the word that establishes the deep-seated almost blind faith that if you keep going, things will work out all right.
Words of life.
We all know that words have power.
By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.
12 Most important words in life. Surreal photography and video.
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