Leg exercises are not just squat or glutes exercises. Training your legs is essential because it is half of our body. But often, we lack the motivation to hit the gym. So that’s why we prepared these motivational leg day quotes.
We often forget about the legs and focus only on the upper body. “And who’s bothering with them, because they are constantly being trained anyway,” many say.
The truth is: often, without even putting too much effort, the legs look good enough.
But muscles are not just part of the body’s musculoskeletal system; they are much broader and more critical.
In addition to the function of movement, muscles help keep the body in an upright position, thanks to the breathing muscles we breathe, while working the muscles produce heat.
You are stronger, than you think you are. Motivational legs day quote:

The muscles are also involved in blood circulation – pushing the blood in the veins upwards towards the heart.
Strong girls never skip leg days. Encouraging legs day quote.

If the body is proportionally trained, the leg muscles make up as much as 55% of the total body muscles! Therefore, we never suggest skipping workouts for this muscle group.
Epic results start with reps and sets. Legs workout quote.

On the contrary, we recommend doing this muscle group just as often as soon as you feel that they are fully recovered after the last workout.
You must work hard to ”upgrade” your legs, glutes, etc…

Why Do So many People Avoid Training Their legs?
A legs day is a nightmare for many men and women who attend the gym. This is usually the most challenging physical workout, mainly when including heavy squats in your daily routine.
F*ck avarage, be Legendary!

Part of the answer is probably psychological.
Mindset is what separates the best from the rest. Motivational fitness quote.

For example, many men are motivated to train their chest and arms because they are more visible, and large quadriceps and nape muscles will not be visible under pants or jeans.
Related: The Moment I Began To Sculpt My Body. Motivational Fitness Quotes.
Life is too short to skip leg day. Motivational workout quote.

Motivational leg day quote: Everyone would have done it if it were easy.

Be savage, not average. Leg day quote for Bodybuilders.

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Leg Day Motivation And Squat Quotes.
Motivational Reasons Why You Should Never Miss Leg Day Again:
1. Maximize your lower body strength
Without at least one day a week dedicated to legs, you’re never going to build lower body strength. Instead, activities like running and biking can strengthen your legs to some extent. Still, only a full leg workout with exercises like squats, leg presses, and leg curls will maximize your lower body strength and musculature.
Train like a beast look like a beauty.

2. Make sure your muscle growth is balanced
Over time, the danger of neglecting your legs is that your body will look out of proportion once you’ve trained your upper body consistently. This may not be obvious in the early stages of training, but after several years of upper body training and ignoring your legs, it could leave your body looking grossly out of proportion. (Think chicken thighs!)
The motivational picture below don’t need any leg day quote on it:

Legs, which are relatively weak compared to the back, chest, and arms, can also be more prone to injury and strain as they carry a disproportionate amount of upper body weight.
3. Don’t overlook one of the great compound exercises
Another reason you should never skip leg days. Squats, along with deadlifts and bench presses, are among the best builds of size and strength. While the benches in your gym are constantly occupied, especially at peak times, the squat racks are usually empty (unless you go to a gym geared towards bodybuilders) as very few gym-goers ever do them.
4. Build great glutes
Large compound movements like squats are essential for building giant, strong glutes. Research has also shown that strong glutes can help reduce the risk of back and hamstring injuries and improve your hip mobility.
5. Better performance in sports
Strong legs are also essential to improve your performance in many sports such as football and rugby. WITHOUT leg training, you will have a much harder time realizing your potential in these games.
6. Burn fat more easily
Because legs are such a grueling workout — the kind that makes sweating almost inevitable — they burn many calories, especially when you incorporate heavy squats and leg presses into your routine.
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Workout Motivation For Women. Squat Quotes.
Less talk, more squat!

Glutes will love leg all leg exercises!

If you find cardio really dull, you’ll be happy to know that research has shown intense weight lifting — such as Why is this? Well, it’s not like you’re necessarily going to burn more calories during the leg workout itself – it’s what happens afterward really matters.
No sweat, no beauty, no squat, no booty.

Studies have found that high-intensity exercise like squats can boost your metabolism for up to 38 hours after your workout. That’s because your body also uses calories to repair and rebuild your muscles – and this requires large amounts of growth hormone, which also promotes fat loss.
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Live deep, love deep, squat deep.

7. And build more muscles – also in the upper body!
It’s the extra growth hormone stimulated by intense leg training. It can also help promote muscle recovery and growth in your upper body by keeping it in a metabolic state – as long as you’re consistently training your back, chest, and arm muscles.
When in doubt, squat it out!

Hopefully, this advice will convince you to never skip leg day in the future!
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